On Monday July 17, Lena Engström, a doctoral student in the research group, defended her thesis entitled “Combining spin-orbit coupling and multi-orbital interactions: a recipe for novel magnetism and superconductivity“. Lena has been awarded the title of Doctor of Physics. We congratulate her on her brilliant work and wish her all the best for her future career!
Gilles Parez, postdoctoral fellow in the group, has just been awarded a postdoctoral grant from the Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS). Congratulations to him!
The week of May 8, 2023, was an opportunity for several group members to present their research project and teach a summer school to the CIFAR Quantum Materials Program Meeting 2023.
Professor William Witczak-Krempa taught a course at the «CIFAR Quantum Materials summer school 2023» entitled «Quantum criticality: a conformal revolution » and also gave the seminar entitled «Thermal Hall effect: Cuprates, Dirac fermions & Dualities».
Liuke Lyu, PhD student, presented the poster of his project «Phonon behave like electron in the thermal hall effect of the cuprates».
Ren-Bo Wang, postdoctoral fellow, presented the poster of his project entitled «Hydrodynamic theory of spinon spin current in a magnetized antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain».
William Witczak-Krempa just published a preprint of his paper entitled «Dirac quantum criticality and the web of dualities».
Gilles Parez, postdoctoral fellow in the group, has just been awarded two FRQNT grants. Congratulations to him!
Professor William Witczak-Krempa was recently awarded an NSERC Discovery Grant.
Marianne Bouchard, a student in the Bachelor of Physics at Université de Montréal and future intern of the group for summer 2023, has just been awarded the Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) of the NSERC for her summer internship. We congratulate her!
The week of March 5 to 10, 2023 was the occasion for three members of the group to participate in the APS March Meeting which took place in Las Vegas (USA).
Lena Engström had the opportunity to present her project “Strain-induced superconductivity in Sr2IrO4“. To read the summary of her presentation, click here.
Gilles Parez presented his project “Entanglement and separability of Rokhsar-Kivelson and resonating valence-bond states“. To read the abstract of his presentation, click here.
Ren-Bo Wang had the opportunity to present both his project “Hydrodynamic theory of spinon spin current” whose abstract can be read here and the project of Liuke Lyu, a Ph.D. student of the group, “Phonons behave like Electrons in the Thermal Hall Effect of the Cuprates” whose abstract can be read here.